Database in Access - Create a database in Access - Microsoft Access training
Now we will work on this tutorial that how can we make an Employee database. To make a database follow these steps which are given below.
1) Open “Microsoft Access” then click on “Blank database” and lastly type “Employee” in front of “File name” and then click “Create”.
2) Go to “Create” then click on “Table design”.
3) Type an employee info like ID, Name, F/Name, Position, Salary, Join date, Picture, Phone no and Address as given below.
4) “ID” in “AutoNumber”
“Name” in “Text”
“F/Name” in “Text”
“Position” in “Text” or in “Lookup Wizard”
“Salary” in “Currency”
“Join date” in “Date/Time”
“Picture” in “OLE Object”
“Phone no” in “Number”
“Address” in “Memo
Q) How to get employee picture in Employee database?
Right click on the first “cell” of picture choose “insert object” and then bring you mouse pointer to “Create from file” now click “Browse” choose the picture and then click “Ok”. After click on “Ok” button check the “Link” on right side of “Browse” and lastly click “OK”. Now whenever we click on “picture first cell” then picture will directly open.
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