
Protect Word document - Protect document - Protect MS Word document

Protect Word document - Protect document - Protect MS Word document

If you are searching that how to protect your MS Word document by password that no one can do any kind of changes with your document. So for protect your document by password there are some method which are given below.
To give a password to MS Word document first of all write something in your document then save your document by a name. To give a password to a document click on Office button then bring your mouse pointer to Prepare and lastly click on Encrypt document. Type a password and then again reenter password and lastly click OK as given step by step in pictures.


After protected your document close MS Word or click “Alt+F4” from keyboard. Then again start MS Word program. After open MS Excel program click on Office button then click Open or click Ctrl+O from keyboard. Select your protected document and then click open. Now as document will open it will give password without password it won’t work. Type the password and then click OK. As you click OK the document will directly open as given below.


Type your password and lastly click Ok.



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