Learning Microsoft Office 2007

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Learning Microsoft Office 2007

Now learn Microsoft Office 2007 100% free

Learning Microsoft Office 2007

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How to open or save a workbook in Excel

How to open and save a workbook in Excel
This command is use to open a saved document. For example you have saved a file and now you want to open it so for this first of all click on “Office button” or click “Ctrl+O” from keyboard and then select the file and lastly click “Open”  as given below.

This command is use to “Save” a document. If you want to save your document so first of all go to “Office button” click “Save” button or click “Ctrl+S” from keyboard. After click on “Save” command “type the name” and lastly click on “Save” button as given below.


Create a new Workbook - Create a new Workbook in Excel - Microsoft Excel

 Create a new Workbook - Create a new Workbook in Excel - Microsoft Excel
 This command is use to open a new workbook. To open a new workbook first of all click on “Office button” then click on “New” command or click “Ctrl+N” from keyboard. After click on “New” command or “Ctrl+N” from keyboard then click on “Blank Workbook” and lastly click on “Create” button as given below.

Database in Access - Create a database in Access - Microsoft Access training

Database in Access - Create a database in Access - Microsoft Access training

Now we will work on this tutorial that how can we make an Employee database. To make a database follow these steps which are given below.

1)      Open “Microsoft Access” then click on “Blank database” and lastly type “Employee” in front of “File name” and then click “Create”.
2)      Go to “Create” then click on “Table design”.
3)      Type an employee info like ID, Name, F/Name, Position, Salary, Join date, Picture, Phone no and Address as given below.

4)      “ID” in “AutoNumber”
         “Name” in “Text”
         “F/Name” in “Text”
         “Position” in “Text” or in “Lookup Wizard”
          “Salary” in “Currency”
          “Join date” in “Date/Time”
          “Picture” in “OLE Object”
          “Phone no” in “Number”
          “Address” in “Memo
5)      Why we have taken “Name” in “text” because we write a name in text so therefore we have taken it by text and like this “Salary” in “Currency”. After type the information click “View” from “Design” and then click on “Datasheet view” then click “yes” and type “Employeeinfo” then click “OK”. After click on “OK” button choose “No” primary key. Now type the information as given below. 
Q) How to get employee picture in Employee database?
Right click on the first “cell” of picture choose “insert object” and then bring you mouse pointer to “Create from file” now click “Browse” choose the picture and then click “Ok”. After click on “Ok” button check the “Link” on right side of “Browse” and lastly click “OK”. Now whenever we click on “picture first cell” then picture will directly open.

Open Microsoft Office - Open Microsoft PowerPoint - Open Microsoft PowerPoint with different methods

Open Microsoft Office  - Open Microsoft PowerPoint - Open Microsoft PowerPoint with different methods

1) Click “Start” button bring your cursor on “All programs” and then “Microsoft Office” and lastly click on “Microsoft PowerPoint”.                
2) Click “Start” button then click “Run” and type “Powerpnt” and then click "OK".
3) Click “Start” button then click “Run” and click “Browse” select PowerPoint from MS Office and then press “Open” after define the location of PowerPoint click “OK”.   
4) “Right click” on windows desktop and bring your mouse pointer to “New” and then click on “Shortcut” as given below.       

After click on “Shortcut” button click on “Browse” button and select the location of “PowerPoint” by the name of “Powerpnt” as given below. This is the location address of MS PowerPoint "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\POWERPNT.EXE".
After select the location of “MS PowerPoint” clicks “next” and then gives a name and lastly click finish button.
5) “Right click” on MS PowerPoint icon and go to “properties” from properties go to “shortcut” menu and type a shortcut in the front of “Shortcut key” For example “Ctrl+Alt+P” as given below.

Now as we click “Ctrl+Alt+P” from keyboard then “MS PowerPoint” will directly open.
6) Double click on “My Computer” then go to “Local disk C”, “Microsoft Office”, “Office12”, and then click “Powerpnt” icon.

Microsoft Word - New, Open, Save and Save As command definition

“New” command is use to open a new document. To open a “New” document click on “Office button” then click on “New” and lastly click on “Blank document” and then click on “Create” button as given below.
From “Open” command we can open saved files. For example we have saved a file by the name of “Microsoft word” and now we want to open it so firstly click on “Office button” and then click on “Open” and lastly select your file and click open and we can also open a file by the help of Shortcut key. To open a file by the help of shortcut key click “Ctrl+O” as given below.
This command is use to save a document. To save a file click “Office button” then click “Save” command and “type the name” that in which name you want to save this file. For example I want to save a file by the name of “Microsoft notes” and then I click “Save”. The shortcut key for “Save” command is “Ctrl+S”.

Save As:-
“Save As” command is use to save a file by two or more than two names. What is difference between “Save” and “Save As” command. “Save” command is use to save a document by only one name but In “Save As” command we can save a file by two or more than two names. For example we have already saved a file by the name of “Microsoft Word” and now we want to save it by two names or more than two names as given below. The shortcut key for “Save As” is “F12”.

Open Microsoft Office - Open Microsoft Excel - Open Microsoft Excel with different methods

Open Microsoft Office  - Open Microsoft Excel - Open Microsoft Excel with different methods
1)      Click on “start” button then click on “All programs” and then bring you cursor to “Microsoft office” and lastly click on “Microsoft Excel”
2)      Click on “Start” button then click on “Run” and type “excel” and click “OK”.
3)      Click on “Start” button then click on “Run” and put the address of Microsoft excels as given below.
For identify the address of "MS Excel" click "Browse" to select the file and the click "Open" and lastly click "OK" from "Run".
4) “Right click” on Windows desktop and bring you cursor to “New” and then click on “Shortcut”. Now browse the location of your item as given below.
Click on “next” button and then ask from us that which name you want to given so give a name like “Microsoft Excel” and then click on “finish” button.
5)      Right click on “MS Excel” icon and go to “properties” and then go to “shortcut” menu and give a shortcut in a “shortcut key” area like “Ctrl+Alt+W” as given below.
Now as we click “Ctrl+Alt+W” from keyboard then “MS excel” will directly open.
6)      Double click on “My computer” and go “All programs”, “Microsoft office”, “Office12” and then click on “Excel”.
So this was our Microsoft excel first class and I hope you like it. Thanks for reading….